PSYCH 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Axon Terminal, Neurochemistry, Neuron

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A neuron is a complex nerve cell that makes up the nervous system, and there are three kinds. Cell body contains all dna information needed for functioning. Axon terminals tips of axon that transmit the signal to other neurons. Myelin sheath (yellow part) surrounds and protects the axon to speed up transmission. Axon long strip that signal passes through. Resting potential is the absence of signals in between neurons. Graded potential is the state of signals being transferred between neurons. Action potential is when a signal is specifically being transferred down the axon. The synapse is the space between the axon terminal and the receptor (in the dendrite) where transmission of the signal is done. There are ions within the fluids in the axon and synapse that help transmit the electrical signal. The refractory period is resetting a neuron in between transmissions. Acetylcholine - controls learning, memory, and muscle contractions.