REL-1020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: John Calvin, Eucharist, Transubstantiation

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Succession: augustine, baptism a disciple of jesus who was sent out to preach and baptize in the new testament; close association with jesus earned a place of honor in the early church according to his roman catholic and. Orthodox doctrine, the spiritual authority conferred by jesus on the apostles has been transmitted through an unbroken line of bishops, who are their successors. Christian theologian and philosopher whose work influenced the western christianity; considered one of the fathers of the. Protestant reformation; formulated the doctrine of original sin performed by immersion in water or sprinkling with water, baptism is a sacrament in which an individual is cleansed of sin and admitted into the church: basilica of st. Catholic and orthodox christians as successors of the apostles annual holiday commemorating the birth of. Jesus universal community of christians; can also refer to a particular tradition within. Christianity or to an individual congregation of christians.