[PSY 100] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (56 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Case studies: descriptive technique in which one individual is studied in depth in hopes of revealing universal principles. Surveys: obtains self-reported behaviors and attitudes of individuals from a group of interest usually by questioning a representative random sample of the population. Pros: you can get a lot of people, anonymous lessens bias, can expand diversity, cheaper. Cons: can"t control variables as well, under-representation bias (if they dont return survey or they only respond if they feel a strong certain way), non-bias wording effects, self-report confounded, response bais (lying), Naturalistic observations: descriptive study in which natural behavior is observed and recorded without manipulating variables or trying to control the situation. Pros: more likely to get more truthful results (are you really willing to own up to the angry things you do on the road on paper?) Correlational studies: commonly use surveys and naturalistic observations to collect data, but the data is analyzed further, rather than simply used for descriptive purposes.