CS 2110 Final: CS 2110 Cornell 2012 Fall Final ExamsFinal Exam solcs211sp07

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

There are 9 questions on 10 numbered pages. Check now that you have all the pages. Use the back of the pages for workspace. The exam is closed book and closed notes. Page 1 of 10: (14 points) fill in the following table of asymptoptic complexities for each of the given data structures and operations. Nding the largest element searching for given element a deleting a given element. In the sorted singly-linked list, assume the elements are ordered from smallest to largest, and there is no tail pointer. For deleting a given element, do not include the cost of nding it. Page 2 of 10: (6 points) for each of the following sets of class de nitions, say what would be printed by the program. Recall that dijkstra"s algorithm builds a set x of nodes incrementally, starting with x = {s}.