[ANT 360] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (39 pages long!)

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Chapter 4: altered states of consciousness and the religious use of drugs: characteristics of altered states of consciousness, 1. Alterations in thinking: disturbances in concentration, attention, memory and judgement; distinction between cause and effect blurred: 2. Disturbed time sense: time and chronology in general may be impaired, feelings of timelessness or feeling that time is becoming infinitely long or very short: 3. Loss of control: fear of losing grip on reality and self-control, feelings of helplessness: 4. Change in emotional expression: sudden and unexpected displays of emotional extremes; individuals may also become detached or uninvolved: 5. Body image change: separation of the body and mind, dissolution of the boundaries between self and others and the universe; body parts may appear of feel shrunken, enlarged, or distorted: 6. Perceptual distortions: hallucinations, increased visual imagery and synesthesia, where one form of sensory experience is translated into another form: 7.