[KNES 351] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (29 pages long)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Dynamic warm-up, plyos, & saq: stretch shortening cycle. Coupling an eccentric & concentric action to increase speed, strength, power, and rate of force development: plyometrics. You decrease amortization time as you get better with ssc contractions: example: jumping and landing; the time between jumping and landing decreases (amortization decreases), must be done with maximal explosiveness. Emulates a sports environment more effectively: limitations: more hesitation time; not as fast. Forces you to run a little faster than top speed. It is comprised of two exercises: snatch (1 movement), clean and jerk (2 movements: snatch: one fluid movement. The barbell is taken from the ground and moved overhead: clean and jerk: two movements. Terminology: hang: position in which the bar starts (cid:858)ha(cid:374)gi(cid:374)g(cid:859) a(cid:272)ross the waist. Hang snatch: the bar is in a hanging position and is snatched overhead. Hang clean: the bar is in a hanging position and is cleaned to the chest.