PSYC 341 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Somatic Symptom Disorder, Factitious Disorder, Malingering

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18 Sep 2019

Document Summary

Chapter 8: describe the clinical features of the dsm-5 category of somatic symptom and related disorders. Criteria a: one or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or results in significant disruption of daily life. Removed specification that symptoms must begin before the age of 30 and occur over some years. Criteria b (part of dsm-5): excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviors related to the somatic symptoms or associated with health concerns, high level of anxiety about health or symptoms. Criteria c (part of dsm-5): symptom may not be persistent, but being symptomatic is (> 6 months) List 4 disorders included in the dsm-6 category of somatic symptoms and related disorders: Illness anxiety disorder: somatic symptom disorder (the most major diagnosis, conversion disorder, factitious disorder, explain the causes of and treatment for somatic symptom disorder. Causing: familial history of illness, stressful life events, sensitivity to physical sensations, experience suggesting that there are benefits to illness.