UNIV 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cliffsnotes, Sleep Deprivation, Mind Map

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To be successful in college you will need to learn to be efficient. Mastering a few important study skills will help to help to reduce your workload and enable you to apply what you have learned: be an active learner. Seek to understand the information and translate it into your own words. Practice this skill by sketching quick illustrations, creating a mind map or graph. You can also summarize the information or reduce it to a list of key points or key words. If you have an idea of the topic of an exam question, take 10 minutes to plan out your answer. Passive learning is merely busy work like highlighting notes or rewriting them but this does little to gain a greater understanding of the subject matter: review information and take breaks to let it sink in. The most efficient strategy to remembering what you have learned is to review it often.