[POSC 100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (32 pages long!)

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Exam 2 will be held on wednesday, october 12. The readings are chapters 11-15 plus any posted supplementary readings. For exam 2, you will need to know the information from the lectures since exam 1. You will also need to understand the concepts and vocabulary from. Chapters 11-15, as well as the following information: What the roles of parties are, why the us has the kind of party system it does, and what the roles of minor parties are. (486-96) Partisan: a committed supporter of a political party; also, seeing issues from the point of view of a single party. Political party: an organization that tries to win control of government by electing people to office who carry the party label. Party platform: a party"s statement of its positions on the issues of the day passed at the quadrennial national convention. Help people make sense of complexity in politics.