PSY 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Random Assignment, Operant Conditioning Chamber

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Study guide test 1 (ch 1, 2) *also check end of ch. questions. Psychology: what is psychology and how did it come to be. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Ancient greek philosophers (aristotle and plato) studied the mind and behavior as well as memory, motivation, emotion, and personality. Early and prominent psychologists and the approaches they spearheaded: wundt / structuralism. Wundt was a structuralist, focusing on the components of consciousness through the intro-spectrum. The first american psychologist, studied the function of behavior and how it helps people adapt and survive: freud / psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic theory focused on digging deep into the unconscious for hidden conflict which is causing issue looked at 2 important factors in determining behavior as: the unconscious, early childhood experiences, watson, skinner / behaviorism. Rooted in the principles of learning or conditioning. behavior that is rewarded will tend to be repeated behavior that is punished will tend to be avoided.