EBIO 1220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Waggle Dance, Daytime, Natural Selection

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Behavioral ecology: one discipline of organismal ecology. Animal behavior is based on physiological systems and processes, and subject to substantial natural selection over time. Behavior: action usually carried out in response to stimulus: stimulus action, part of animal"s phenotype, essential to reproduction and survival; natural selection. Types of behavior: mating display, chemical exchange, migration, waggle dance, alarm calls, territorial display, male choice, aggression, foraging. Day length stimulates production of hormones and animals respond to these hormones. Breeding is most successful in spring and early summer (long day length) Innate behavior: behavior that is developmentally fixed; exhibited by population despite internal and environmental differences during development: strongly controlled by genetics, but may still use environmental cues trout face into the current, direction from which food comes . Positive rheotaxis (rheos current: example: male stickle-back fish fixed action patter. Sequence of unlearned facts that is unchangeable, and one initiated by sign stimulus, is usually carried to completion.