GEOG 1982- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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There are two dimensions of diffusion: spatial (2d, temporal (forwards and backwards), spreads across time. Inflection points the point where the number increases. Sometimes the curve never reaches the infusion point. There are four types of diffusion: contagious diffusion (spread of disease, hierarchical diffusion (spreading of political ideologies) usually starts in big urban cities and slowly trickles down the urban hierarchy down to the rural cities. Equal rights for lgbt spreads from la to san francisco to modesto: re-location diffusion (migration) Mormons were oppressed in new england and decided to move to utah: expansion diffusion (a mix of all 3 diffusions) Example 1: rap started in new york city. Then it spread to los angeles and atlanta. Example 2: the hiv virus spread from africa. Then, it migrated to haiti and then new york. Hiv is an example of contagious diffusion because it is the spread of a disease. Then, it spread across the middle east and eventually reached spain.