MGMT 4210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Systems Theory, 5 Whys, Mental Models

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Consequences can also be delayed: myth of the management team do not always have the right answer. Management is far from: dynamic complexity mental models. Example; fukioshima costumers and therefore have a hard time knowing what consumers want. Policy resistance (ripple effect), caused because of event-centered world view and no understanding of feedback. Delays create instability (oscillations: limited information have to rely on mental models and tend to do rational decisions. Could draw the wrong conclusions: confunding variable the third hidden factor that explains the correlation between the other factors, bounded rationality don"t really know what to do and are not capable to handle something. Example oil spill. emotions, cognitive limitations, habits: flawed cognitive maps (mental models) stereotypes, rely on old experience. Hard to change: conformationbias only listens to arguments and fact that confirm already set ideas. System archetypes: limits to growth something is pushing back carry capacity.