PSYC 3684 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Twin Study, Twin, 40 Minutes

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15 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Exam 1 study guide: nature v. nurture. Nature: inherited, endogenous characteristics have primary influence. Nurture: environment (social environment) and exogenous factors have primary influence: behavioral genetics: attempts to quantify nature and nurture by asking how much of a trait is due to nature and how much is due to nurture. Adoption studies: compare child to (1) adoptive parent to examine the role of environment and (2) biological parent to examine the role of genetics. Twin studies: monozygotic twins (identical) share 100% of genes, dizygotic twins (fraternal) share approx. 50% of genes: to the extent that mz twins are more similar on a trait than dz twins, assume this difference is due to genes, gene-environment interdependence: genes can influence how we react to the environment. Predicting depression (2) conclusion: it takes a genetic vulnerability in combination. Psyc 3684: active correlations: children"s genotypes influence the kinds of environments they seek (1) becomes more important as we age.