SCAN 3203 Final: Norse Mythology Final Study Guide

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11 May 2017

Document Summary

*the final will consist of multiple choice, kenning identification, fill in the blanks, and short answer questions about the recitation readings since the midterm. This study guide will cover the lecture readings, gods, and events. I will put the recitation readings on a separate document. Hammers, a symbol of thor, are used in bridal beds and worn by humans (no other godly symbol is worn or used this way): thor is the killer of giants (though he has a giantess lover). This is extremely taboo: loki is named for his mother instead of his father, this is also very weird, wife is sigyn, sons nori and narfi, has an affair with a giantess. When loki distracts the builders horse and then gives birth to a baby horse (slepnir). Giants/ monsters: giants, different race than the aesir/ vanir, banished to jotunheimer, often adversaries to the aesir, the interactions between the gods and aesir are usually unfair (see blood feuding article).