SLHS 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scrambler, Temporal Lobe, Incus

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What is the difference between the peripheral auditory system and the central auditory. Peripheral auditory system = main functions = conduction and transduction: reception collect the sounds from outside our head, conduction and transduction carry the sound inside your ears, transduction and encoding change it to brain signals . Conduction = transition between the outer and middle ear systems, vibrations are funneled into the ear canal and transferred to middle ear, aka pass along. Structures of outer ear = pinna (earflap), concha (small bowl shaped opening before tube), external auditory canal (ear canal), tympanic membrane (eardrum), outer ear is filled with air. Four functions of outer ear = conduction, resonance, protection (ear wax), localization. Localization = the ability to locate the sound source. Structures of middle ear = malleus, incus, stapes, oval window, round window, auditory tube. Function of ossicular chain (malleus, incus, stapes) = increases pressure by about 30 db, performs impedance matching.