SLHS 3116 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intercostal Nerves, Costal Cartilage, Phrenic Nerve

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Muscles of respiration: muscles of respiration, muscles of inspiration. Phrenic nerve arising from cervical plexus of spinal nerves c1-c4 (lecture says 3- Diaphragm (sternal head, costal head, and vertebral head) Costal head: the inferior margin of the rib cage (ribs 7-12) & costal cartilages. Vertebral head: the corpus of l1, and the transverse process of. Intercostal nerves: thoracic intercostal nerves arising from t1 through t6 and thoracoabdom inal intercostal nerves from t7 through t11. Dorsal rami (branches) of the intercostal nerves arising from spinal. Transverse processes of vertebrae c3 through c6 nerves c7 through t11. Dorsal rami (branches) of the intercostal nerves arising from spinal nerves c7 through t11. Xi accessory, spinal branch arising from the spinal cord in the regions of c2 through. Bypasses the rib below the point of origin, inserting instead into the next rib. Elevates sternum, and subsequently increases transverse dimension of. Sternal head: length of the sternum at costal cartilages.