SOCY 1004 Midterm: SOCY Reading Guide Exam 2.odt

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Chapter 7: social structure and anomie, robert merton. Five types of individual adaptation: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion. Chapter 23: adoption of a fat identity; degher and hughes. Four stages of the identity change process: initial status, recognizing, placing, new status. Four stages of becoming bisexual: initial confusion, finding and applying the label, settling into the identity, continued uncertainty. Chapter 25: anorexia nervosa and bulimia; mclorg and taub. The career of eating disorders: conforming behavior, primary deviance, secondary deviance. Chapter 26: convicted rapists" vocabulary of motive; scully & marolla. Five justifications for rape: women as seductresses, women mean yes when they say no , most women eventually relax and enjoy it, nice girls don"t get raped, only a minor wrong doing. Three excuses for rape: the use of alcohol and drugs, emotional problems, nice guy image. Chapter 27: the devil made me do it: use of neutralizations by shoplifters; cromwell and.