SOCY 1016- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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Dicks, men in dresses, what it means to be a drag queen. Competition with other girls for male attention. Prestige system set up around attractiveness to men. The most intolerant girls of homosexuality are the most likely to kiss a girl at a party for male attention. By claiming same sex eroticism as a heterosexual practice, heterosexual women made lesbian desire invisible and reconfigured it as a performance for men . Mostly studying/interviewing college women- focused on heterosexual women while also interviewing lesbians. Deploying homophobia to gain power/attention from men to gain status. They have to deal with the erotic market where they generally lack power so they claim power by participating in the (lesbian) market. Women not challenging the system that disadvantages them- giving men the power. Homophobia is linked to gender inequality, and women use the cultural ideas about gender they have available (gender strategies) to solve the problem of inequality.