NURS 84 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orthostatic Hypotension, Diabetes Insipidus, Kidney Failure

79 views3 pages
30 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Disorders of fluid volume and sodium balance often occur together. Icf k+ concentration is maintained by na-k pump. Irritability (cells shrink, tissue no longer response to stimuli) Severe hyponatremia left untreated can cause irreversible neurological damage or death. K+ foods: bananas, cantelope, oranges, avocados, mushrooms, spinach, potatoes, salmon, chocolate, coconut water. Elimination of k+ (eliminate po intake, dialysis, kayelxalate binds to k+ & excretes from colon) Insulin therapy ( activity of the na-k pumps, which move k+ Vitamin d is needed for absorption of ca 2+ from gi tract. If serum ca 2+ levels fall, parathyroid glands secrete. Rbc function, o2 delivery to tissues, neuromuscular function, metabolism of fats, carbs, and protein. Chvostek"s sign: contraction of facial muscles in response to a tap over facial nerve in front of ear. Trousseau"s sign: carpal spasms induced by inflating bp cuff on arm.