PSCI 150 Final: International Politics 150 - Erin Graham

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International politics - 150 - professor erin graham - final exam. History of international institutions and paris agreement. What kyoto looks like and how it works. Post cold war order - usa most prominent actor - unipolarity. How balance of power has shifted (china) Rise of china and brics (rise of the rest) Responsibility to protect - how perceptions of sovereignty has shifted over time. Arguments and explanations - why trade is good for growth. Know basic linking between trade and gdp growth and explanations. Contemporary great power politics: the unipolar moment, china"s rise, and the. After ww2, the world attempted to create postwar order. Some of the primary components of this was the united nations, world. Trade organization, bretton woods (world bank and monetary fund) (gatt pre-1945) These organizations reduced barriers to trade and protectionist policy. Usa created these organizations to their advantage , and ww2 made usa a lot of money.