ADM JUS 5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Eyewitness Testimony, Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning

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If you have concluded that a particular pattern exists and have developed a general understanding of why you may be tempted to ignore facts in the future that don"t fit. Which of the following would be best ex. Of the potential for inaccurate observations in the criminal justice system. Traditional beliefs about patrol effectiveness, response time, and detective work are examples of. The independent variable is assumed to depend on or be caused by the dependent variable. If the independent variable in the cause then the dependent variable is the. In social science, rather than focusing upon an individual, we look at a whole group known as: If gender is the variable, male is the. Your college has implemented a new policy on campus regarding underage drinking. When you seek to explain a phenomenon by looking at a variety of reasons for it rather than a single one, your using. Values of the dependent variable depend on the.