[ESS 101] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 12 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Kin- human action + logy- study of. American academy of physical education coined the term in 1990. Health in kinesiology is proactive and preventive. Wellness: health + happiness in a balanced state of well being. Exercise science: study of the physiological and behavioral changes that occur in the body in response to exercise and sport training. Exercise: the participation of some form of physical activity with the goal being improvement/maintenance of health. Late 18th century: seguin and lavoiser researched effects of oxygen at rest and exercise. Exercise physiology, physiology of endurance performance and environmental physiology. Effects of aging on the heart and lungs. Utilized science as a way to enhance physical performance. 1st person to run a sub-four minute mile (3:59. 4) Discipline= field of study w central focus and own body of knowledge. Exercise physiology: study of how the human body functions, and how it changes or responds when exposed to exercise.