HSS 326 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Long-Term Care, Psychological Trauma, Dementia

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Hannah Cheyney
Quiz 2 Study Guide
March 14th, 2018
Chapter 6
1. Informal support systems often change vastly as people age. While many older adults
experience a decline in their friendships and informal relationships, even more older
adults experience changes in the composition of their networks as well as in the roles
people play. This is illustrated by things like less contact with younger people and
turning to a grandchild for help around the house. The benefits of informal supports for
physical and mental well-being in old age include an improved health status, improved
cognitive abilities (learning & memory), reduced risk of disability, diminished negative
effects of stressful events and increased feelings of personal control, autonomy, and a
sense of being competent. They even have a reduced risk of death.
2. Friendship networks can enhance well-being in old age in many different ways. They are
vital, even the people that may seem insignificant. Older adults who live alone hugely
benefit from having younger neighbors or friends who can help out from time to time
(going to the grocery store, yard work, a phone call, etc.).
3. Contrary to the image of all older adults living alone and being socially isolated, there is
lots of evidence from the reading to dispute this. For example, it describes how many
elders like to expand their social networks by volunteering, attending religious
ceremonies or joining clubs. While the percent of older adults that live alone has
increased, the majority of them do not. Only about 29% older adults live alone today
(more women than men).
4. There are various challenges in accessing health and long-term care that LGBT elders
may face. One in 10 participants in a study have been denied health care or provided
worse care. Many are too scared of what will happen if they try to access health care
out of the LGBT community that they don’t even try. A big issue is when elders are
hospitalized or placed in a long-term care facility, often blood relatives are given all the
rights are responsibilities (exp. They control visitation, treatment, discharge). This is very
difficult, especially if it is a family that doesn’t approve of being LBGT or the same sex
partner. Not only are LBGT denied these rights, they are often denied housing, equal
Social Security benefits (compared to heterosexuals) and discriminated against at senior
5. The main reason different studies/polls have varied findings regarding the number of
LGBT elders in the total population are because many people are reluctant to identify as
LGBT because of what will happen with their social networks if they don’t approve
(which the individual often doesn’t think they will).
6. are changing greatly overtime, the biggest change being the increase of
multigenerational families. There has also been an increase in both the number of
grandparents as primary caregivers to grandchildren and the amount of “friendship”
families there are. The primary reasons there has been an increase in multigenerational
families in the past decade are that people are living longer, there has been an increase
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in immigration in the US, and economics. Expensive housing, high unemployment and
rising home foreclosures are all factors contributing to a difficult economic climate,
making multigenerational families more beneficial (money wise).
7. Living arrangements may vary among older adults of color (exp. Living alone or with
family or caring for grandkids) Polynesian families often have grandparents playing a
central role. African Americans, Latinos, and Asians are more likely to live in a
multigenerational home than whites. In these families, the oldest generation holds all
the culture and family history, therefore assisting with socializing the younger
generations. This is illustrated among Polynesian families where grandparents play
central roles in protecting their grandkids from crime and substance abuse by using
culture and values.
8. Sibling relationships can be a powerful source of social support in old age. Having a
sibling gives you someone to talk to that understands the family dynamics an outsider
might not understand. Siblings often participate in life review together, a very important
thing to do. Overall, older adults who have siblings have higher life satisfaction and
morale as well as lower rates of depression. Today, because of the growth in blended
families, there are many more sibling relationships.
9. If I were training staff in a long-term care facility (exp. Skilled nursing home), to respect
older residents’ privacy, in terms of talking about older adults’ sexuality and desire for
intimacy I would tell them that they should embrace it, but that if they don’t want to
that is ok too and I would encourage intimacy or physical contact in a nonsexual
manner. I would work to give them the space to let their late-life romance blossom
while still keeping tabs on issues of cognitive impairment and consent. If they were LGBT
I would try to be extra inclusive and open with them. Overall as a staff member, I would
be sensitive to the variety of families, sexualities, and lifestyles.
10. Grand parenting benefits both the grandparent and the grandchild in a few different
ways. Grandparents often get both great emotional satisfaction from the relationship
and a sense of purpose as well as positive role identity. Grandparents may even provide
things the parent doesn’t whether that be money or acceptance and affection.
Grandchildren get to reap the benefits of their role, especially the unconditional love if
they are not already receiving it from a parent.
11. Countless older adult’s own pets. They are a constant source of companionship and
affection as well as a responsibility. Having a pet not only gives the human someone to
talk to and be affectionate with but also a sense of purpose (reducing depression).
While simply owning a pet doesn’t reduce one’s loneliness, pet owners have higher
happiness, morale, responsiveness, dependability, and numerous other positive traits
than people who don’t own pets. While there are many benefits to having pets, there
are still downsides. Some people try to replace their human relationship with animals,
which will never work. Many people experience a significant amount of grief when their
pet dies because they were truly their best friend.
Chapter 7
1. The main reason informal and family care giving is so essential to the American health
and long-term care systems is because they make it so more people can remain at home
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Document Summary

Informal support systems often change vastly as people age. While many older adults experience a decline in their friendships and informal relationships, even more older adults experience changes in the composition of their networks as well as in the roles people play. This is illustrated by things like less contact with younger people and turning to a grandchild for help around the house. They even have a reduced risk of death: friendship networks can enhance well-being in old age in many different ways. They are vital, even the people that may seem insignificant. For example, it describes how many elders like to expand their social networks by volunteering, attending religious ceremonies or joining clubs. While the percent of older adults that live alone has increased, the majority of them do not. Only about 29% older adults live alone today (more women than men): there are various challenges in accessing health and long-term care that lgbt elders may face.