SC 213- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The study of the physiological, evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of behavior and experience. A strong emphasis is placed upon brain functioning. Brain functioning can be explained at a more microscopic level in terms of neuron and glia activity. Biological explanations of behavior fall into four categories: Relates a behavior to the activity of the brain and other organs. Describes the development of a structure or behavior. Reconstructs evolutionary history of a behavior or studcutr4. Describes why a structure or behavior evolved as it did. Deep understanding of a particular behavior is tied to being able to explain the behavior from . Biological explanations of behavior raise the issue of the relationship between the mind and the brain also know as the mind-body . The mind-brain problem has a variety of explanations. Is the belief that the universe is only comprised of one type of substance. Everything that exists is physical by nature.