AMST 190 Final: AMST 190-Final Project Notes

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So I could quote statistics at you regarding the prevalence of sexual assault on campus, but I
won’t. Those statistics are most probably flawed due to the stigma sexual assault has attached
with it, even to this day with movements like #metoo and #timesup.
I think I’ll just get right into it. So, without further ado, here goes:
My project was more concerned with the resources campuses offer to cater to survivors, as well
as the prevalence of assault on campus. I chose this angle because I feel that even now people
don’t realize what an epidemic this is, and those who are affected don’t know where to go to get
help, which is why I wanted to shed some light on the matter in my own way.. I presented my
research and conclusions in the form of a lyric essay with an accompanying paper describing
my methods.
To get my research, I conducted many interviews with assault survivors. During these
interviews, I asked two questions: 1. Were there services or people you could go to for help
after the incident? And 2. Do you think sexual assault is prevalent on campus? It was not easy,
getting these interviews, but I managed. These interviews all came from my own friends and
family who decided to step up and share their college stories. I ended up getting five total
recorded interviews, and I kept their names anonymous for safety reasons.
The people I interviewed: 4 straight females, 1 gay male. They attended Harvard, NYU,
Columbia, UF, and Emory, but the person who attended Emory had been assaulted the summer
before she arrived first semester, so she detailed dealing with that trauma on campus. I didn’t
ask for their stories, but they gave them to me anyways.
1. When campuses deal with sexual assault, it’s a hit or miss
-Girl who went to Harvard: profs laughed in her face, doubted her
-UF: got good resources, counseling and academic coaches stellar and she got through first
semester without a hitch
-Columbia: mental health wellness scene non-existant, other roomies attempted suicide
-Emory: scene fantastic
2. Very prevalent on campus
-All agreed that it was just something you dealt with, and that it could occur anywhere and
wasn’t gendered. That anyone can rape, and it doesn’t matter who you are, or what you’re
wearing--if someone has the intention to hurt, someone will get hurt.
3. It’s not always a party
Harvard and Columbia were at parties, but UF was on her walk back from work, NYU had sex
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Document Summary

So i could quote statistics at you regarding the prevalence of sexual assault on campus, but i won"t. Those statistics are most probably flawed due to the stigma sexual assault has attached with it, even to this day with movements like #metoo and #timesup. My project was more concerned with the resources campuses offer to cater to survivors, as well as the prevalence of assault on campus. I presented my research and conclusions in the form of a lyric essay with an accompanying paper describing my methods. To get my research, i conducted many interviews with assault survivors. During these interviews, i asked two questions: 1. It was not easy, getting these interviews, but i managed. These interviews all came from my own friends and family who decided to step up and share their college stories. I ended up getting five total recorded interviews, and i kept their names anonymous for safety reasons.