PSYC 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deontological Ethics, Discriminant, Informed Consent

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Be able to define, apply, and provide examples of them. Observational methods: naturalistic (no intervention, observing in place where it goes on naturally) v. contrived (settings arranged) disguised (participant doesn"t know they are being observed) v. non-disguised (participant knows they"re being observed) behavioral recording. Narrative/ field notes qualitative, not quantitative, needs content analysis. Checklists did it happen or not rating scales to what extent? what intensity, quality temporal measures when/how long interrater reliability to have consistency in rating, more than one rater. Must operationalize definitions so that the same for each rater. High irr is important in observational methods: naturalistic observation activity. Self-report measures: questionnaires- convenient, commonly used, easy, inexpensive. Interviews- could have interviewer influence, but pros: more open ended, could prompt more response, better for specific pops like children, illiterate, etc single- (stand-alones) v. multi-item (set of items measuring same construction) response format. Open-ended free response, more room for elaboration, details.