[PSYC 200] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (50 pages long)

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Document Summary

Psychologist play by the rules of science (this makes psychology a science) Cognition (thought, process of sensory and decision makingetc) Description - detailed, clear way of understanding a phenomenon. Explanation - cause and effect -- via true experimentation. Can be induced vs. deduced formulated from observable facts (induction) Theory = set of ideas that attempt to specify interrelationships, broad, complex, not directly testable. A priori (before experience) vs. post hoc (after the fact) Researchers trust a priori hypotheses more because starting point is a theory rather than constrained by the data we see in front of us (post hoc: operationalize. Conceptual definition- abstract, dictionary def: measure. Hyp not supported revise hyp or op. def. How and why does behavior vary? (exercise example) Summarize and simplify the data you have. Use the data you have to make inferences about data you don"t. Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)