[PSY 101] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (36 pages long!)

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Psychology= scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Pseudo = false: psychic power, horoscopes, pop psych. Structuralism = first framework for studying psychology. Spread structuralism: tru(cid:272)turalis(cid:373) died => it (cid:449)as(cid:374)"t useful (e(cid:454). Functionalism => how the mind functions and allows animals/ humans to adapt. Pro(cid:271)le(cid:373) : (cid:862)seei(cid:374)g is (cid:271)elie(cid:448)i(cid:374)g, (cid:271)ut seei(cid:374)g is(cid:374)"t al(cid:449)a(cid:455)s (cid:271)elie(cid:448)i(cid:374)g (cid:272)orre(cid:272)tl(cid:455)(cid:863) Gestalt ps(cid:455)(cid:272)holog(cid:455) studied ho(cid:449) the (cid:271)rai(cid:374) orga(cid:374)izes se(cid:374)sor(cid:455) i(cid:373)pressio(cid:374)s i(cid:374)to a (cid:862)for(cid:373)(cid:863) or (cid:862)(cid:449)hole(cid:863) Visual cliff: crawling infants refuse to (cid:373)o(cid:448)e to the (cid:862)deep e(cid:374)d(cid:863) Extrasensory perception= psychic perceptual abilities that supposedly go beyond the known senses. Unconscious- thoughts, feelings, memories that are below the level of awareness. Mary calkins: first female to complete phd but was denied because she was a female. Margaret floy washburn: first female to actually receive phd. Letta stetter hollingworth: pioneering work on adolescence and the fallacy of women"s inferiority. Francis cecil sumner: first african american to earn phd in 1920: clark: first african american president of apa.