CLP 4144 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Persecutory Delusion, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Psychosis

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Schizophrenia-spectrum and other psychotic disorders: characterized by thought, emotion and behavior, progressive illness and gets worse as time goes on, symptoms: Thought implantation, thought broadcasting, delusional belief that people could hear or perceive thought. Thought stealing- delusions external control, someone is making me do it. Hallucinations-congruent with delusions, auditory-thoughts in another voice, arguing, accusatory voices, command hallucination. Negative (something is missing that should be there): symptoms to be noticed. Schizophrenic behavior: appearance-nails not cut, grooming not done, bizarre o catatonia-complete absence of movement, can maintain strange postures for an extended amount of time, Waxy flexibility-pipe cleaner movement o choreoathetosis-jerking type of: movement and overflow of movement, emotional flattening/lability: happens because they are responding to hallucinations. o inertia-frontal lobe signs, body stays at rest, continuous. Disorganized-flat inappropriate emotion, social isolation, delusions and hallucinations, bizarre. Paranoid-predominance of persecutory hallucinations and delusions, command hallucinations. Schizoaffective disorder: some features of psychosis and some features of a mood disorder.