ENT 4024 Study Guide - Final Guide: Earnings Before Interest And Taxes, Unique Identifier, Fiduciary

161 views34 pages
8 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Aspiring entrepreneur who takes an entry level position in the industry to acquire operational and marketing expertise. Trading of goods or services with a willing partner for a mutual benefit (and cost minimization). The conscientious and creative use of financial (and all other) resources during the start-up and growth phases of a new venture. The reputation that precedes your product and company. What the customer thinks they will be getting when they buy from you. A comprehensive document that serves as a flight plan and sales tool for your company . A formal process for protecting written intellectual property (books, ads, brochures, audio, video, software, etc. ) Your revelation and explanation of positive and negative assumptions used in your analysis and decision making. A three minute presentation that whets the appetite of potential investors. A two page synopsis of your business plan.