MCB 3020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, Microscope Slide, Fluorophore

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17 Jan 2017

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Robert koch (1843-1910)- link between bacillus anthacis and anthrax. The concept that living organisms arise from nonliving material is called spontaneous generation. Learn about the role of rna in present day cells: cellular pool of rna in modern day cells exists in and is associated with the ribosome (rrna, trna, mrna) The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms. The suspected microorganisms must be isolated and grown in a pure culture. The same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host. The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host. Yes, these are still used today to establish the link between a particular microorganism and a particular disease. Microscopes that remain in focus when objectives are changed. Fluorescence microscope: exposes specimen to uv, violet, or blue light, specimens are usually stained with flurochromes.