AMH 2010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Central Pacific Railroad, Preston Brooks, Elihu Embree

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Reasons for immigration: push; famine, dictator pull; freedom, better jobs. Equal protection under law bc of former slaves. 15th amendment a citizen has the right to vote no matter the citizen"s "race, color, or previous condition of servitude". oliver o howard chief commissioner and advocate for black education. had to seize back land from slaves. Freedom"s bureau established in 1865 by congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the. South in the aftermath of the u. s. civil war. 15 confiscated as union property a strip of coastline stretching from charleston, south. Carolina, to the st. john"s river in florida. President abraham lincoln declared free all slaves residing in territory in rebellion against the federal government. The bloody and inconclusive civil war battle of antietam (or sharpsburg, as it is often called in the south) was fought along its banks on september 17, 1862. A general and political leader of the nineteenth century.