MET 2010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hygrometer, Coriolis Force, Thermometer

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18 Jul 2017

Document Summary

Coriolis effect the way the earth"s rotation makes the winds curve. Latitude the distance from the equator measured in degrees. 10 kilometers above the earth"s surface are bands of high speed winds. Water cycle movement of water between the atmosphere and the earth"s surface. Evaporation process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor. Humidity measure of the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity percentage of water vapor that is actually in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature. Condensation process by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water. Dew point the temperature at which condensation begins. Cirrus wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels. Cumulus fluffy, white clouds, usually with flat bottoms, that look rounded piles of cotton.