SPC-1017 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thesis Statement, Erving Goffman, Uptodate

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General: this exam will consist of 50 multiple choice items derived from both the material presented in your text and in class discussions. The items from the text will be drawn from chapters 1-4 and chapters 12-15. Abstract symbols stand for ideas (home, hungry, hurt) Occurs b/w the sender-reciever, and it comes in 3 forms (conceptual filters) External noise comes from the environment and keeps the message from being heard or understood; does not always come from sound (weather, bugs) Internal noise occurs in the minds of the sender-receivers when their thoughts or feelings are focused on something other than the communication; may also stem from beliefs or prejudices. Semantic noise caused by people"s emotional reactions to words (tune out speaker who uses profanity: feedback response of the receiver-senders to each other. Sensory acuity paying attention to all elements in the communication environment.