CGS-2060 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unique Key, Data Redundancy, Ultra-Wideband

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Quiz 4 (uwb) a network standard that specifies how two uwb devices use short-range radio waves to communicate at high speeds with each other. Rfid transmits data wirelessly via infrared light waves. A protocol that defines how a network uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed or attached to an object, and animal, or a person. Protocol based on rfid that uses close-range radio signals. Transmission media carries one or more communication signals. Bandwidth the amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over transmission media. Latency the time is takes a signal to travel from one location to another on a network. A wireless transmission medium that distributes radio signals through the air over long distances. A form of broadcast radio that is used widely for mobile communications. Microwaves radio waves that provide a high-speed signal transmission.