ENC 2135 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Groupthink, Mcdonaldization, Group Dynamics

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Document Summary

Groups a collection of people who interact with one another and have a sense of common identity. Relationships personal, intimate, whole person e. g. , husband-wife, close friends. Relationships impersonal, goal-oriented, segmented roles e. g. , teacher-student, employer-worker, doctor-patient. Group dynamics group in uence on members and individual members e ect upon the group. Instrumental leadership si most e ective in achieving job productivity. All three types of leadership may be found in one person, but one predominates one the others. The more autocratic the leader, the more conformity from the members, but the more. The more autocratic the leader, the more conformity from the members, but the more resentment towards the leader. Democratic leadership is less e ective than instrumental, but produces more group cohesion. Size decreases amount of work/member cooperation and normative expectations. Groupthink occurs regardless of expertise/level of decision making. Formal organizations large groups designed to achieve speci c goals.