CLP-3305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mary Cover Jones, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Systematic Desensitization

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13 Dec 2018

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Chapter 14 learning objectives: name the researchers who paved the way to the behavioral approach to therapy. Describe their contributions: derived from systematic experimental science, through animal studies, 1920 watson & rayner: brought the idea of pavlov"s classical conditioning for dogs to america. Started study of little albert to show how neurosis can develop in a child. Showed us that fears can be learned: 1924 mary cover jones: demonstrated reconditioning . Study of peter, he was afraid of rabbits and other small furry animals. Based on reciprocal inhibition (the idea that a person can"t be relaxed and anxious at the same time). If client become anxious, must stop imaginal exposure and continue when the client is relaxed again: explain the rationale for exposure therapy and how it is implemented. Compare its differences from systematic desensitization: exposure therapy client exposes themselves to stimuli/situations that are feared (facing your fears!). Can be done in imagino (fantasy) or in vivo (real life).