DEP-3103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tabula Rasa, Age 13, Universal Grammar

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13 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Learning can be indirect and involves cognitions: cognitivist framework: focuses on the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world (includes: piaget"s cognitive developmental. Theory and information processing theory: piaget"s theory of cognitive development: jean piaget; children have an intrinsic need for schemas to be congruent with incoming sensory information. Based on cognitive development in four stages that are qualitatively different. Miller; cognitive processes are analogous to computer, changes in cognitive abilities are quantitative (continuous: bronfenbrenner"s bioecological model: five levels of environment simultaneously influence an individual (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem). Measure samples again at several points over time, but recruit new samples for each age range of interest at each of the measured time points. A discipline that focuses on helping people deal with issues related to genetic disorders. Increases chance of miscarriage: amniocentesis recommended for those at high risk of genetic conditions, done within. Genes and environment determine a child"s phenotype.