PSY-2012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Karen Horney, Carl Jung, Psychodynamics

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Psy 2012- study guide- psychological disorder and treatment, and personality. Psychodynamic says that all problems has a cause, every action has a meaning, and we do not know why we do certain thing. Humanistic: we are free to construct or destroy our life. Social cognitive: genetics factors and reward and punishment determine our personality. Traits: our behaviors is constant and determine our personalities. Trait is constant and mood change rapidly. Summarize freud"s theory of the structure of personality and of the mind. Unconscious: id: the drive of our behavior and pleasure. Preconscious: superego: our moral, how we decide what is right or wrong. Conscious: ego: the decision maker, and find ways to resolve problem. You do not need to know freud"s theory of psychosexual development. Failed prediction: his theory does not happen. Questionable of the unconscious mind: no evidence that the unconscious mind exist. Reliance on unrepresentative sample: he did not generalize his method to groups.