PHIL 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Physicalism, Existence Precedes Essence, Eudaimonia

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If you worship anything else it will eat you alive. Worship money and you will never have enough. Worship your body and you will always be ugly. It is bad to want everything done for you. Complete pampering is not a good thing to desire. If god does not exist, there is at least one being whose existence comes before its essence. Because there is no god, there is no human nature. God provides a source of purpose to mankind so it makes it hard to find a purpose sometimes. Without god certain moral choices are more difficult to make. Socrates says that if it pleases the gods, so be it. It means that all things come about from their opposites. If something becomes beautiful, it came from being ugly. If something becomes larger, it came from being smaller. If something becomes stronger, it came from being weaker.