[BIOL 117] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 51 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Golgi moves from cis to trans face. Vesicles are tagged to allow cell to differentiate them from each other. These zip codes allow the vesicles to be transported to the proper place. Know the basis of the cytoskeleton, like the major components and their functions: such as the three major components of the cytoskeleton, actin laments, microtubles, and intermediate laments (such as nuclear lamins). Nerve cells and muscle cells need energy for synthetic work, mechanical work, electrical work, and concentration work. Two kinds of energy - potential and kinetic. Potential energy can be converted to mechanical/kinetic energy, which then will be transformed into other forms of energy such as heat, sound waves, etc. (where energy is released) First law of thermodynamics - energy is not created or destroyed. 2nd law of thermodynamics - free energy is always less after a reaction. Understand each component of (delta)g=(delta)h+t(delta)s: enthalpy = (delta)h, entropy = (delta)s, temperature= t, free energy = (delta)g.