THEO-001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fumi-E, Four Noble Truths, Theodicy

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A belief that that promises to fulfill your oldest, strongest, deepest desires. To freud, an illusion is an error in terms of wish fulfillments . Truth of faith vs. history, science (tillich) (92) There is no conflict between faith in its true nature and reason in its true nature. Faith functions more as an interpretive discourse in relation to science, history or philosophy; it asks questions of ultimate meaning and is therefore in no position to pass judgment upon the validity of historical investigation or scientific experimentation. Faith can tell you the meaning of life. Truth of science cannot; it can only tell you how things in the world work. Symbols of faith combined in stories about divine human encounters. The belief that the universe came about exactly as the bible says, that the universe and living organisms originate from acts of divine creation rather than by natural processes such as evolution.