APPH 1040 Midterm: Exam 3 Notes

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Exam 3 notes: bmi, % body fat, waist circumference, hip:waist ratio, bmi = weight(kg)/height(m2) Reliable and accurate to report population demographics. However, it fails to account for body shape or composition: % body fat (most common) Lean mass(metabolically active) and fat mass(not metabolically active) Measuring %body fat: skin calipers, biolectrical impedance monitors, hydrostatic weighing, dual-energy. X-ray absorptiometry, air displacement plethysmography: waist : hip ratio. Significant predictor of morbidity and mortality risk. Wasit:hip ratio is the dominating risk factor predicting cardiovascular death. Fat (lipids) have many functions in human physiology: cell membranes, signal transduction within our nerves, steroid hormones, insulation and protections, etc. Visceral fat(look slim but fat inside) located in abdominal cavity; strong correlation with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Obesity related to high blood pressure, cancer, lipid abnormalities, breathing/sleeping probs, arthritis, diabetes, cv disease, stroke. Obese people have high number of large cells, and when weight is lost those cells just shrink.