MATH 1551 Midterm: MATH 1551 GT 1551Fall151551PracticeExam1

116 views7 pages
15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

This exam contains 7 pages (including this cover page) and 5 questions. Formal symbols crib sheet composition of functions f : a b function with domain a & codomain b n f g. 7 limit from below limit from above limit as x approaches a inverse function subset of intersection maps to natural numbers integers rational numbers real numbers open interval a to b closed interval a to b element of union. 2. (a) (3 points) find the limit lim x plog2 |1 x3| log2 |x2 + 3x3 42| (b) (3 points) sketch the graph of the function 2 arcsin(3x + 1) + 1. 18 september 2015: consider the functions g(t) = arccos(t2) and h(t) = 1. Why or why not? (d) (2 points) give the composition function g h in terms of t. g h(t) = 18 september 2015: consider the piecewise de ned real function g g(x) = sec(cid:0) 1 x(cid:1) tan( x) x 4.