[BIOL 103] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 58 pages long Study Guide!

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19. 9 the human story begins with our primate heritage. Physical features: grasping hands and joints are flexible, sensitive hands and feet, depth perception with eyes. The phylogenetic tree shows that all primates are divided into three groups: the prosimions includes lorises, lemurs, and pottos makes up one group. These small, nocturnal tree dwellers have flat faces and large eyes. Smaller brain: the anthropoid group includes monkeys, apes, and humans. Rely more on eye sight and less on olfaction than other mammals. 19. 10 hominoids include humans and four other groups of apes. Gibbons: fully arboreal apes (living in the tress, no tail. Orangutans: shy and solitary, live in rain-forest tree and the forest floors. Chimpanzees: make and use tools, did not evolve from chimps but separate from a common ancestor. Humans: oldest found was sakelanthropus tchadensis (6-7 million year ago, first to live africa: homo erectus, bipedalism: walk on two legs. 19. 13 larger brain marks the evolution of homo.