CHEM 211- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The study of the composition, properties and transformations of matter. Transformations which do not alter chemical nature of the matter (e. g. phase changes) Such as size, color, mass, density, melting point, etc. Change in the chemical composition that describes that process. A physical state or chemical compositional change involves both forms of energy. Construct a hypothesis (yes or no answer) a. Pose a statement that can be answered with a yes or no. See if data supports hypothesis or null hypothesis. *if hypothesis fails, then hypothesize again; if results support hypothesis, then develop a theory. Matter that cannot be physically separated into other substances. Matter that cannot be chemically separated into simpler substances. Substance formed from the combination of 2 or more elements. Smallest unit of substance with 2 or more atoms. Properties of the mixture are not constant throughout (e. g. seawater and sand) The properties of the mixture are the same throughout (e. g. seawater)