PSYC 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Erogenous Zone, Thumb Sucking, Reaction Formation

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Personality---a person"s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. Freud"s early exploration into the unconscious: used hypnosis and free association (relax and say it all) to delve into, mapped out the mental dominoes of the patients past in a process he called unconscious. psychoanalysis. ~id: unconscious energy that drives us to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives, id operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification. ~superego: part of personality that represents our internalized ideals, standards of judgment or our morals. ~ego: the boss executive of the conscious, its job is to mediate the desires of the id and superego, called the reality principle . Fixation: a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, where conflicts were unresolved. Defense mechanisms: the ego"s protective methods of reducing anxiety by distorting reality, never aware they are occurring, seven major types. Reaction formation: ego switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites, being mean to someone you have a crush on.