MUA 1930- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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There was evidence of music before the middle ages, but it had not been formally recorded. Here is some evidence towards music during that time period: The greek god of music named apollo was depicted carrying a musical instrument called a lyre. Philosophers plato and aristotle also wrote about music. They argued that music was the ideal representation of beauty (i. e. platonic) and said that music had the capability of being dangerous because it could cause people to fantasize too much. Music was first written down/notated during this time period which is why we are studying it. In order to understand music in the middle ages, you have to look at the history during that time. Before the middle ages, there was the roman empire. All europe was unified under the rule of the roman emperor (all conquered territories shared laws, social structure, language, religion, etc. )