[SPCH 1000] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 37 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Interpersonal: communication between two people or a small group. Interviewing: communication that involves question and answer. Organizational: communication that takes place within an organization among members of the organization. Public speaking: communication between a speaker and an audience. Computer-mediated: communication between people that takes place through computer connections. Mass: communication from one source to many receivers. To discover, to help, to relate, to persuade and to play. Noise- anything that interferes with a person receiving a message. Physical noise: external interference to both the speaker and listener (illegible handwriting, screeching of a car or truck passing) Physiological noise: created barriers within the sender or receiver (visual impairment, hearing loss, memory loss) Psychological noise: mental interference in speaker or listener (judgements, wandering thoughts) Semantic noise: speaker and listener have different meaning systems (language or dialectical meaning differences) Ambiguous: it can be interpreted in different ways.